Monday, April 13, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics KENT BLAKE OF THE SECRET SERVICE "Unseen Death!"

During the Korean War, some of our spies were re-assigned to combat units...
...where their specialized talents were often utilized to best effect!
Oddly, though Lee Tsui was obviously a carrier, Kent Blake was not affected, despite!
There were quite a few "germ warfare" stories involving North Koreans, far more than such tales about Germans or Japanese during World War II!
Since the NKs lacked the nuclear weapons the USSR and Red China possessed, writers utilized biological warfare as a hook for stories involving infiltrating Communist lines!
Penciled and inked by Tom Gill, this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Kent Blake of the Secret Service #8 (1952) shows a lot of storytelling influence from Harvey Kurtzman's then-current Frontline Combat and Two-Fisted Tales for EC Comics...
...especially on Page 2, which doesn't really need to be in this story...
BTW, the story's scripter is, sadly, unknown!
Until Next Time...
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